Council Meeting Tuesday 25th February 2020 – Minutes

Council Meeting Tuesday 25th February 2020 – Minutes

2021-01-07T20:51:56+11:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Council Meetings, Linux Australia|Tags: , , |

1. Meeting overview and key information


Sae Ra Germaine

Jonathan Woithe

Julien Goodwin

Russell Stuart

Lisa Sands

Joel Addison



Benno Rice


Meeting opened at 1932 AEDT by Sae Ra and quorum was achieved.

Minutes taken by Julien.


2. Log of correspondence

  • From: Nicky Veitch, Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2020 20:11:58, Subject:    Subcommittee for JoomlaDay Australia 2020
    • Sae Ra moves to approve, seconded Jonathan
    • Approved
  • From: WordCamp Brisbane, Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2020 19:44:12 +1000, Subject: [LACTTE] Event Subcommittee Request – WordCamp Brisbane 2020
    • Sae Ra moves to approve, seconded Jonathan
    • Approved
  • Reply-To: Miles Goodhew, Subject: CBR LCA2021 seeking stats from previous years, Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2020 23:48:19 +1100
    [Initial response sent by JW, Miles followed up to Joel and Ben. This may resolve itself before the meeting.]

    • AI: Sae Ra to ensure relevant people have github access
    • Joel will copy docs/content out instead of just opening up access
  • 20 Feb 2020: Progress report from Ampache grant recipient received to council@.
    • AI: Jonathan to engage for any feedback on the process from recipient side
  • Hosting of Linux SA mailing list (with  archives) and website. Email from David Lloyd to council@ on 20 Feb 2020.
    • AI: Julien to pass on to admin team to ask them to help if possible
  • Digital Rights Watch funding campaign. Information forwarded to council@ by Kathy Reid on 23 Feb 2020.
    • Reconsider next meeting.

3. Items for discussion

  • In memoriam page on web site
    • To be done once the web site moves to our infra
  • Web site to our infra
    • AI: Jonathan to start on engagement with admin-team
  • LCA2021 update
    • First venue payment soon
    • Ghosts is April 4/5
  • Face 2 Face update.
    • F2F agenda has been created.  Everybody’s name is on there several times with question marks beside them.  Please replace the question marks beside your name with the relevant information.
  • Ongoing LA Support for Conservancy. This was dealt with in the 28/Jan council meeting with an action to contact them, but no correspondence appeared in the 11/Feb council meeting to indicate the action item had been completed:  From: Sae Ra Germaine, Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2020 15:46:40 +1100, Subject:    [LACTTE] Fwd: renewing Linux Australia’s support of Conservancy?
    • On hold, put to next meeting.
  • Admin teams budget needs to be considered, and approved or sent back to them for revision.
    • Sae Ra moves, Julien seconds
    • Approved
  • Quote (~$1900) for IP phones to replace the previous LCA phones
    • Question back is if we need the phones, if we do we’ll buy these.
    • AI: Sae Ra to ping Rob
    • Were they used enough at LCA2020?
  • Joel: AWS Shutdown?
    • Carry to next meeting, Joel does have full access

5. Items for noting

  • [JW] Renewal of domain: council agreed to the renewal on 11 Feb 2020 but apparently had not actioned as of 20 Feb 2020. Is this underway now?
    • AI: Sae Ra to follow up
  • GovHack requested a copy of their accounts.  @russell gave them a link to the Xero reports the auditor recommended we archive.
  • Having finally completed all the stipulated procedures LCA21 has given their committee spurs – bank account and Xero access.
    • Notice: the treasurer has started handing out comment links to sub-committee V3, and has told people these are the rules they are operating under now.
  • DrupalGov Induction has been done.

6. Other business 

  • None

7. In camera

  • No items were discussed in camera.

Meeting closed at 2026

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