1. Meeting overview and key information
- Joel Addison (President)
- Sae Ra Germaine (Vice-President)
- Neill Cox (Secretary)
- Andrew Pam (Council)
- Russell Stuart (Treasurer)
- Jennifer Cox (Council)
- Jonathan Woithe (Council)
Not Present
Meeting opened at 20:06 AEDT by Joel and quorum was achieved.
Minutes taken by Neill
2. Log of correspondence
- MHW Best Practice Program- Letter of Consent [Julie Daly]
- linux.org.au now has an Everything Open page [Kathy Reid]
- Reconnect with Joomla Event
- Open source Event [Carlos.Noschang Kuhn]
- APNIC Membership Renewal – Invoice Attached [Steve Walsh]
- other issue re: past member ROHAN McLEOD [Russell Coker]
- Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender [Russell Coker] – Sae Ra has responded
- Stripe account [Danny W. Adair] – Russell has responded
- How to document budget adjustments [Danny W. Adair] – Russell has responded
- May I assign LA as registrant of drupal.org.au? [Si Hobbs] – Neill sent the requested letter
- joomla event / induction [Stuart Robertson] – Russell has responded
- pyconau 2024 sub-committee request [Christopher Neugebauer]
- Call for OSI board nomination [OSI Elections team]
- bitwarden.com verification emails have gone AWOL [Steve Walsh]
- Issue with contact form on LA website – investigations and possible way forward [Kathy Reid] – Joel has responded
- Change to auDA domain name rules – request to make submission under LA banner [Kathy Reid] – Jonathan has responded
- DrupalSouth coming up, and a few other proposals [David Sparks]
- KPC 24 / Payment in excess of NZD5000 [Richard Shea] – Russell has responded
- Possible donation to Linux Australia from disincorporation of Melbourne Functional Programming Association Incorporated [Les Kitchen] – Joel has responded
- Approval for Xero invoice template [Nathan Morrow]
3. Items for discussion
- Drupal South
May not make as much money as initially hoped. David would like to speak to the council about a few things. It would probably help if the Drupal South website had some text explaining why it would be good to attend the conference. An example from Everything Open: https://2024.everythingopen.au/attend/why-should-employees-attend/
- PyConAU
Joel is a signatory for the contract. Chris is discussing one of the points in the contract, which may impact the budget.. We’re waiting for resolution of that before signing the contract.
The budget looks reasonable.
Russell has reviewed the budget. It seems conservative in regards to ticket sales and sponsorship, so the expected result will probably be better than what is outlined in the budget.
Motion: To establish PyConAU2024 as an event subcommittee in line with the budget provided
Moved: Joel
Seconded: Russell
Passed unanimously
- OSI board nomination
We have been offered a chance to nominate for their board. Sadly, there is no one on the council who has enough time to take up the offer.
- Open source Event (EO in Canberra)
Sae Ra will discuss this with Chris when possible. It’s from the … 2025 is not possible, but maybe they would like to bid for 2026.
- Goals:
- Neill: Improve communication with subcommittees. Support and encourage more in person activities.
- Russell: Sorting out the New Zealand situation. Helping with EO.
- Jonathan: Keep working on the grants program and related activities. Encourage community participation and the next generation of community members.
- Andrew: Joined to provide some choice of council members and felt that I had something to offer at a national level. Goals: Capitalise on the new Everything Open name/brand. Use it to engage new people, expand the reach of the community and broaden our remit. Also, a focus on COVID safety at our events, including hybrid and remote attendance.
- Jenny: Keen to put forward the point of a view of the less technical members. Explain what open source offers to people who are in the non-tech community. Encourage participation from women in our community. Engage with government agencies using open source as part of their programmes.
- Sae Ra: Document Everything Open so she can just be an attendee one year. Begin a discussion of what needs to be done in the way of updating our constitution. Look at how we do awards to recognise effort done by people in support of our community.
- Joel: Focus on portfolios for council members, picking up on the work done by Sae Ra two years ago (https://linux.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Council-Portfolios-2021.pdf) . Do a “stocktake” of our subcommittees. Fix some problems with the website (especially the election system). Updating the constitution. Start working on a five year strategic plan in consultation with the other council members.
- Sorting out NZ banking
We need some more people who can authorise payments in New Zealand. We also have some historical signatories that need to be rationalised. These are suspended signatories, who can be reactivated in the future if needed.
4. Items for noting
- NSW Fair Trading return submitted
- ASIC FORM 490 Change of Directors submitted
- Stuart Robertson Financial (Joomla Reconnect 24) induction done.
5. Other business
6. In camera
7. Action items
- Calendar invites for subcommittee meetings – Neill Cox
7.1 Completed Items
7.2 Carried Forward
Meeting closed at 20:51
Next meeting is scheduled for 2024-02-28