Introducing Everything Open

Introducing Everything Open

Linux Australia introduces a new grassroots open technologies conference starting in 2023, Everything Open. The past two years have taken their toll on open source communities within Australia. We have seen communities around many projects go from holding regular meetups, sometimes multiple in the one city, to now being close to non-existent. This is something that we were starting to see signs of prior to 2020, with a number of community group leaders looking to step back after having run meetups and other events for several years. Unfortunately COVID-19 exacerbated this situation, preventing many people from running community events, which [...]

2022-09-29T23:03:22+10:00September 29th, 2022|Categories: General Updates, Linux Australia|Tags: , |

Grants Program 2020 now open

On behalf of Linux Australia Council, I would like to announce the opening of the 2020 grants program. A total of $AUD 35,000 is available to fund open source and open hardware projects which will benefit our community. In light of the situation brought about by COVID-19, we would especially encourage applications for projects which provide technological assistance to get through this time.  For example, funding could be requested to improve documentation or the user experience of open source video conferencing software, making it more accessible to those who are not technically minded.  Other related activities include development of web [...]

Linux Australia Community Update & LCA2021 Information

Dear All, Wow, suffice to say this isn’t something that I thought I would need to send. But then again, is anything we are currently doing “Business As Usual”? This is about the time that we start our full planning mode for, assemble our Session Selection Committee, announce our Grants program and our subcommittees start making their announcements. But this year is a little different. You may have already seen that the PyCon AU subcommittee has announced PyConline AU for 2020 and everything is underway to deliver this to our community. Which brings me to an update for you [...]

2020-05-06T17:42:09+10:00May 6th, 2020|Categories: General Updates, Linux Australia|Tags: , , , , , |

Grants Program 2019 now open

Linux Australia is pleased and very proud to announce the opening of the 2019 Linux Australia Grants program.  Up to $AUD 35,000 is available for distribution to open source, open data, open government, open education, open hardware and open culture projects as part of the organisation's support of free and open source systems and communities in the region.   In 2018, the Linux Australia Grants program supported Drupal, Code Club, CiviCRM and a hackathon.  Details about these grants can be found in our 2017-2018 Annual Report[1].   More information about the grants process can be found on our Grants webpage [...]

Joshua Hesketh awarded the Rusty Wrench 2019

At the recent 2019, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, former Linux Australia President, and current Vice-President, Joshua Hesketh, was awarded the Rusty Wrench for outstanding service to the Australian opensource community. Prior to being awarded the Rusty Wrench, Josh had served with distinction on the Linux Australia Council for several years, including three terms as President. He has also been instrumental in two Hobart, Tasmania-based events, in 2009 and 2017. He has also volunteered on several safety, diversity and inclusion teams, in so doing strengthening and widening our community. Currently employed by Germany-based SuSE, Josh embodies all the [...]

December update, and a happy holidays to all

Hi everyone, Firstly on behalf of the Council we hope that this message finds you happy, healthy and enjoying the holidays - but perhaps not so much the heat that is visiting upon much of the country - stay safe and cool. This is our last communication for 2018, and there's quite a lot to get through, so without further ado, our December update! Declaration of election, Council positions available and call for Agenda items for AGM It may be dry and boring for most people, but as an Incorporated Association, there are a few bits and pieces that legally [...]

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