Proposed Constitutional Change to add Statement of Objectives into Constitution

Proposed Constitutional Change to add Statement of Objectives into Constitution

Dear LA Members, Over recent years a number of conference sponsors have indicated that it would be easier for them to support our activities if Linux Australia were a registered charity. As Linux Australia’s role has always been to educate people about open source, the day-to-day running of the organisation won’t change if Linux Australia were to become a registered charity. Furthermore, the Linux Australia Council has sought advice from our Auditor and Accountant; both advised that becoming a charity would have no material effect on how Linux Australia is run. For these reasons (and in light of the benefits), [...]

2019-12-12T08:06:31+11:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Elections, Linux Australia|

Call for Nominations for 2020 Linux Australia Council

Dear Linux Australia Community, Pursuant to clause (15) of the Linux Australia constitution we hereby declare an election open and call for nominations to the Linux Australia Council for the term January 2020 to January 2021. All office bearer and ordinary committee member positions are open for election. Nominations will open from 00:00am (AEDT) 10 December 2019 and run until 11:59pm (AEDT) 24 December 2019 Voting will open 00:00am (AEDT) 25 December 2019 and run until 11:59pm (AEDT) 12 January 2020 Results will be announced during the AGM at 2020 (Gold Coast, QLD) on 13 January Results will be [...]

2019-12-16T09:12:47+11:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Elections, Linux Australia|Tags: , , , |
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